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Creating Local Events on Steroids

31 July 2023


Organizing hyper-successful local community events in smaller communities with fewer than 20,000 residents can present some unique challenges, yet many great opportunities. While larger cities often have the advantage of a larger population base, smaller communities can foster a sense of close-knit belonging and strong community spirit. By leveraging a tight-knit nature and employing effective strategies, local organizers can create memorable events that resonate with residents and leave a lasting impact. Let’s explore some effective techniques, supported by examples, studies, and logical insights, to create hyper-successful community events in small towns.


First, before planning any event, it's crucial to gain a deep understanding of the community's needs and interests. Surveys, focus groups, and conversations with residents can provide valuable insights into the types of events that will garner the most enthusiasm. For example, a small town with a high number of families might prioritize family-friendly events such as carnivals or outdoor movie nights. On the other hand, a community with a rich artistic heritage may appreciate events showcasing local talent, arts, and crafts fairs.


In smaller communities, engaging local businesses play a pivotal role in the success of community events. By partnering with these businesses as sponsors and participants, organizers can secure financial support, resources, and promotional assistance. For instance, a summer music festival could collaborate with local restaurants to offer special discounts during the event, thus benefiting both businesses and attendees.


In this digital age, utilizing social media and online platforms are powerful tools for event promotion and community engagement. Organizers should leverage these platforms to create event pages, share updates, and encourage community participation. They can also use online ticketing systems to streamline registration and track attendance, ensuring better event planning and resource allocation.


Small communities often have rich cultural and historical backgrounds that can be celebrated through events. A heritage festival, for example, could feature traditional music, dance, and local cuisine, providing an immersive experience for attendees. Emphasizing local culture not only fosters community pride but also attracts visitors from nearby areas, contributing to the event's success.


To create a hyper-successful community event, organizers should involve residents in the planning process. Holding open meetings or forming committees that represent different segments of the community can help ensure that the event meets everyone's expectations. For instance, involving the youth in organizing a sports tournament can generate excitement and ensure active participation.


In a small community, word-of-mouth plays a crucial role in event success. To encourage positive buzz, organizers should focus on providing unique and memorable experiences. This could involve bringing in renowned performers, hosting quirky contests, or incorporating interactive elements. A quirky "pet parade," for instance, could become a signature event for a small town, attracting both locals and visitors.


Networking with neighboring towns and regional organizations can extend the reach of the event and facilitate resource sharing. Jointly organizing events like craft expos or agricultural fairs can attract a diverse audience, while also fostering a sense of regional unity and cooperation. The more communities involved in the event, the great prospects of success. As they say, many hands make lite work.


The key to sustained success is continuous improvement. After each event, organizers should conduct thorough evaluations to gauge attendee feedback, measure the event's impact, and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach ensures that future events are better tailored to meet community expectations and preferences.


By employing these strategies, local organizers can create events that strengthen community bonds, boost local economies, and leave a lasting positive impact on the residents. Through shared experiences and a sense of belonging, these events can become an integral part of the fabric of the community, encouraging its growth and prosperity.


John Newby is a nationally recognized Columnist, Speaker, & Publisher. He consults with Chambers, Communities, Business & Media. His “Building Main Street, not Wall Street,” column appears in 60+ newspapers and media outlets. As founder of Truly-Local, he assists chambers, communities, media, and businesses in creating synergies that build vibrant communities. He can be reached at: John@Truly-Local.org.